
Optum Rx drives opioid safety and prevention

Prescribing opioid medications safely: Optum Rx opioid clinical edits


Optum Rx® implements a multi-dimensional Opioid Risk Management solution to help curb the rising tide of opioid abuse across the United States. We continue to advance our solution suite to not only stop abuse before it starts, but also prevent progression to misuse and addiction - and support individuals in their recovery.

As part of our commitment to drive opioid safety and prevention through engagement, smart prescribing and ongoing monitoring we incorporate enhanced utilization management and point-of-sale edits. These updates align with the new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines as well as clinical-based prescribing recommendations for Morphine Milligram Equivalent (MME) dosing.

As a prescriber, you play a crucial role in patient care. You can help reduce opioid misuse and addiction through ongoing communication, engagement and helping patients better understand their opioid medications, risks and alternative therapies. 

What you need to know

Point-of-sale edits may include:

  • Enhanced CDUR opioid safety edits at point-of-sale. Click here to download.
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Additional Health Care Professional Opioid Resoures